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Ken Contarino: Trick of light
Erin Casey: You must go up close to a Garage sale to find treasure/antique - It may be inexpensive but not cheap stuff; It may not be outwardly shining, but (scholastically) aged with quality... And you meet it unexpectedly (not shopped by needs) - a feeling of affinity, fate, and destiny.

Brooke Lovett likes Old Navy.

Right before going to the Chinese New Year party, the electricity power off (twice) and the green candle was spilled...
What sign is that? Felt like in Phantom's Opera. You were the Phantom I talked to others, there even Rahul the student who downloaded sex stuff on my computer.

(p.s. I didn't know after the Chinese gun (fake) party on Christmas, the New Year party performance was another battlefield. Quite a few guys, e.g. Qian Li, flirted me at the party. Charlie Lu made some show of going to battlefield. I guess it was due to those two UNF female professors Lian An and Mei Zhao's boiling "Ebola". Those Chinese guys in topless carried Mei Zhao in bride carriage out on stage in the show. They made alot of FB posts to imitate and attack us. Mei Zhao was not happy that her husband was not professor, and wanted me to get her husband hired when I was the search chair. I didn't do it, and she retaliated me since by using Chinese racial superiority. This Mei was hired a year after me at UNF and always tried to imitate me in dressing, so those "Ebola" often used her as tool to project on me. For example, JCA posted those intimate pictures of her and Sheng Zhang or Qian Li when those guys were hinting/flirting to me - how did it feel to have real actions without real essence. I remember the marriage counselor used to teach people to do that, project "Ebola" outside on spouses - are spouses mannequins with no feeling?! Maybe they think such hidden way has no consequences.) cheap mother of the bride dresses


I activated Susan's FB.
Tim Palmer: Goodbye iPhone, hello Samsung galaxy nexus. Now this is a great phone. I'm sorry android, I'll never stray again.
Becky Lamb: just ike a man, never give anything a chance, if it doesnt satisfy instantly you give it no chance. i love waynes iphone

Erin Casey: I feel better already... Thank you! (many loving pictures posted)

Erin Casey: From a Chinese song by Sword Man:
... why are the flowers so fresh
why are they so fresh
ah so fresh they made one feels
so fresh one feels reluctant to leave
they are watered by the blood of youthSee More
(p.s. Your posts gave me the feels and perspectives that never had before. I mean the attitude of straight forward and the degree of frankness felt so fresh after having seen too much superficial and hypocrisy. Subconsciously it gave me hope.)

Becky Lamb: two words, GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to UNF bookstore and was surprised to see so many patriots/natioinalists' books.

Erin Casey and Becca Lamria are now friends.

Becky Lamb shared a picture: "Why do we feel safe under blankets? It's not like a murderer will come in thinking "I'm gonna ki...-ahh damn! She's under a blanket."

Erin Casey: Today's fortune cookie: All your sorrow will vanish.
Anna said: "M. is your sorrow. He was idiot to have left." (there is a collected picture that S whip M and M said "The safe word is Rainbow" - sarcastic.)

Daryn Greatlight Bohner: Hey weirdo, I kinda miss you (Suezann Bohner Whaley likes this.)
Matthew Mahin: Miss u kids too. Why did u have to move away? Come back...
(p.s. I see you hinted on moving away because of Anna's "Ebola" to you.)

Sarah Edwards likes a picture of "Edward in Scissor-hands": "the only pale guy named "Edward" who deserves love."
and a picture: "Why is there a show called "When Animals Attack"? It should be called "When STUPID people go near dangerous animals."
In case you don't know I decided not go to the Chinese dinner party on photos (even 2 people invited) and I didn't got to the dance party a night before (James Yin invited and I said no).

A picture: "What do we call the science of classifying living things? Racism."
(p.s. It reminds me years ago when UNF G. set up China Institute, Mei Zhao wanted to be president and claimed me as "racist" in email because I suggested to be inclusive to non-Chinese faculty.)

Boston Training trip for 2 days... Be happy...

Susan is now friend with Jing Xu, who was close to Lian An and had a wife in different city.
Becky Lamb shared a picture "You Can't Fix STUPID, Not Even With DUCT TAPE"
Becky Lamb: Just for the record, back stabbing bitches and lying assholes will always get theirs in the end.
(I unsubscribed Becky)
Feel you're so restless... What is going on? Lose your confidence? You shouldn't... I love you! How can I make you relax?
(p.s. I couldn't see the Chinese hostility until I went out and collected enough arrows.)

I've known this Jing Xu for some time - he is the one who wrote the report about W's presentation at JCA seminar a couple of years ago. He's married. And I don't know him other than those JCA events.
(p.s. Later at a dinner of Chinese visitors (a mother and daughter), this Jing Xu showed up there too. Now, I see he was like JiJun Lu who was overly nice to W, similar to Kai Siwiak, UNF G. and Joe Keit, (e.g. I saw W was turning seminar into sale's ads and signaled him not to do so, and this guy Jing Xu said it was okay and let W do it). I see both Indian and Chinese had the young nice looking guys to me, Amit and Jing. Both of them I didn't aware due to history of the exs abuse. Jing was together with Lian An at her "Ebola" time on FB to imitate us, similar to Pop claiming support Karliene at her divorce time. I doubt such "support" had good effect to Lian's life, an empty projected "romance"?! Those dinner photos showed intimacy of Mei Zhao with Sheng Zhang and Lian An with Jing Xu.)

Erin Casey: Your love empowers me and makes me young and full of life, not to make me fear and worried.
(Echo: The Vow - Do you promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love?)

Erin Casey: Wish you a day of peace and love and everyday ahead! (When you're restless I can't relax; When you're worried I'm concerned. I believe your heartbeat is connected with mine...)

Tim Palmer: happy birhtday Bec ky
Matthew Mahin appeared on the first of my friends list

Becky Lamb: Spicy Baked Cheeseburger casserole. It's what's for dinner.

Erin Casey: Just feel so lucky to be loved so much by somebody I love.
Becky Lamb: I want to thank each and everyone of you personally for my birthday wishes, however, I believe there are so many, if i were to do that, my next birthday would be here before I got done and I'd have to start again before I got finished. So, thank you all so very much. The wishes meant a lot to me....more than you can possibly know.
(p.s. I see that you have told guys that you were "4" and warned them from early on.)

At training trip of Boston, a dinner with Danica. The director Tiryakioglu arranged my lab tool training course.

Becca Lamria commented on Joe Perry's link about stroke.
(p.s. Joe Keit was off my subscribing since 2010 and not in my view or on my record. Someone is telling me he was still jumping up and down?! Years later I saw he joined the Chinese to act as their instigator in attacking us.)

I read books about divorce and forgot about the real person, tried to improve the condition with W to have better parenting to the child - being nice and tolerating was the only way I knew.

Got your concern - though it may be over-concerned. Who said that we'll be together with ex-? I remember I used to contact Lu once a month about Danica's status and no contact after Danica is over 18. It's no big difference in the same city or not - distance is what people create.

Becky Lamb: So. I can say without any doubt. That having not eaten in over 24 hours. I'm freaking starved and I don't see me EVER going on a hunger strike. I'm freaking hungry

Becky Lamb: I need a jacket and a cheeseburger brought to me I'm hungry and freezing at work help a sister out?
I subscribed Becky back.
Erin Casey open the chat line with Becky:
Erin: Are you alright? I'm concerned.
Becky: About
Erin: you!
Becky: Eh don't worry bout me.

Does "24 hours no food" means "24 months no sex"? No wonder so hungry.
No need for fast food and temporary relief. I want dinner.
Looks so delicious... It reminds me that I haven't had dinner tonight.
Does this cute young man look like you? Oh, I almost forget how you look like now... (the image of you has carved on my mind).
So touching! Thank you.
Why so sad? I was just kidding you. Of course I can see you when I blink (close) my eyes.
Coca-Cola by itself is neither uplifting nor upsetting. But, the Coca-Cola handed to me from somebody special is uplifting.
You seem have endless love flowing from the fountain... This little tree always have water and sunshine.

Becky Lamb: and the burning question. where the HELL are my W2's from the state of florida.

A story was told by Lian's father De-Yi An: Over 30 years ago there was such a couple with big age difference and married for love; but they had to move out of society and lived on mountain in China. The media just found them out recently that they've lived happily ever after though.
Social pressure of the age difference - how are you going to face it and can you overcome it?
Becky Lamb shared pictures: "The world would be a nicer place if everyone took a chill pill. It would get even better if some of them choked on it." and "A man who treats his woman like a princess is proof that he was born and raised in the arms of a queen."

Beck Lamb: Well Done TAM airlines
This happened on TAM airlines. A 50-something year old white woman arrived at h..er seat and saw that the passenger next to her was a black man. Visibly furious, she called the air hostess.
"What's the problem, ma?" the hostess asked her
"Can you see?" the lady said - "I was given a seat next to a black man. I can't seat here next to him. You have to change my seat"
- "Please, calm down, ma" - said the hostess
"Unfortunately, all the seats are occupied, but I'm still going to check if we have any."
The hostess left and returned some minutes later.
"Madam, as I told you, there isn't any empty seat in this class- economy class.
But I spoke to the captain and he confirmed that there isn't any empty seats in the economy class. We only have seats in the first class."
And before the woman said anything, the hostess continued
"Look, it is not usually for our company to allow a passenger from the economy class change to the first class. However, given the circumstances, the commandant thinks that it would be a scandal to make a passenger travel sat next to an unpleasant person."
And turning to the black man, the hostess said:
"Which means, Sir, if you would be so nice to pack your handbag, we have reserved you a seat in the first class..."
And all the passengers nearby, who were shocked to see the scene started applauding, some standing on their feet."

Sarah Edward shared a photo: "Don't let them tell us stories. Don't let them say of the man sentenced to death "He is going to pay his debt to society," but: "They are going to cut off his head." It looks like nothing. But it does make a little difference. - Albert Camus"

(p.s. I remember W liked John Lennon's songs, when he sung "Imagine there is no country..." in Chinese group and those wives went crazy and cheered for him like no boundary. He was not invited to Chinese Karaoke again. Strange that Chinese invited W to give seminar by the host Jing Xu later.)

Anna had a dream at night that there was bomb explosion at street, but she was not injured.

Becky Lamb shared a picture of a old naked guy with a young girl "When your son asks you when he has to study... show him this photo." and the same picture of a old naked guy with a young girl "When your daughter asks you when she has to study... show her this photo." (p.s. that was a breaking through point for me about our age gap with such misleading biased before.)

Becky Red Envelopes!
Becky Lamb: So, as if we all didn't know already. The IRS sucks. Tax laws suck. As you know I worked at that "hospital" out in Williston last year. They didn't pay me, about 2500 bucks worth of not paying me. I can NOT claim that as a loss on my taxes. IF I had volunteered "willingly" I could at least claim some expense for travel time, gas and etc. BUT since I wasn't a "volunteer" bend over and take it. FML>
Matthew Mahin appeared on the first of my friends list
(Echo: The Giver - Jason Twist likes this.)

William Vasana shared Jonathan Lewis's photo:
"Marriage =
Man + Woman, or Man + Brother's widow;
Man + Wives + Concubines, or Rapist + His victim;
Man + Woman + Woman's property, or Male Soldier + Prisoner of War;
Man + Woman + Woman + Woman, or Male Slave + Female Slave."
WV: When marriage today is nothing like marriage was in the bible, this got me thinking...
JL: So. You want traditional marriage like the marriage in The Bible you say?

(Echo: Billy Day)
He is suididing in public. (p.s. W said others suspected him as gay, he told them to give him their wives to test it out - he thought his skills could fool people from instinct and gut feeling, similar as his superficial posts there. Those guys that their wives close to W ended up dying at peculiar time, including Sharon Cleveland devoted to him for about a decade. Then, the Tampa professor's secretive letters and boxes of books given to him after being married, W had to admit his gay ex-relationship with him - then it followed with his peculiar death as W claimed.)
(Echo: Safe House)
(P.s. The definition of marriages that the guy (Jonathan Lewis) brought up was the old slavery culture that marriage was treated as having slaves. Marriage is supposed to between man and woman equally bonded by love.)

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