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13th August 2015

Surgery MCQs and answers.

1-Surfactant…..Increase compliance
2-Cell membrane structure Primarily maintain by…Cholesterol Bilayer
3-Adverse Reaction of drug depend upon….Variable
4-Enzyme may be fall in Liver Injury….Pseudocholinesterases ((Dec in liver diseases ie Hepatitis or Cirrhosis))
5-Diarrehea…….Normal anion gap Metabolic Acidosis
6-Thorn pick abcess….Staph Aureus
7-Right kidney Anterior Relation……Hepatic Colonic Flexure
8-Loss of Memory Senario……Temporal lobe ((Hippocampus))
9-Senario pt having Acute Appedicitis having forgetdulness unable to give consent,came with a wife,take consent from….Wife
10-Resection of terminal ileum…..Mixed Secretory Osmotic Diarrhea+Fat Malabsorption and Steatorrhea+Vit B12 Defieciency
11-After Gastrectomy……Vit b12
12-Fracture neck of fibula……Peroneus Longus ((Common Peroneal Nerve and Ant Tibial Artery —Loss of Dorsiflexion and Everion))
13-Pt cannot comb hair…..Spinal Accessory
14-One third of body water in……ICF ((2/3rd ECF))
15-Max pressure in Aorta during whic phase….Slow Ejection Phase ((AND Lowest in Iso Volumetric Contraction)
16-Supply of pericardium…..Pericardiophrenic Artery
17-Leukocyte adhesion…..Integrin
18-Branch of basilar artery……Post Cerebral Artery
19-CCK….Causes Contraction of Gall Bladder,Relaxes Sphincter of Oddi
20-Which Antacid Dec Gastric Emptying…..Almunium Hydroxide
21- Which part of liver with poor supply…..Poor Oxygenation Zone3
22-Stomach Become dilated in which week….4th Week
23-Femoral Vein palpated at……Adductor Canal ((Femoral Artery At Mid Inguinal Point))
24-Megaloblastic Anemia in 35yrs old man…..Loss of intrinsic factor
25-Pregnant woman a spoon shaped nails…….Low MCV MCHC
26- Q Fever caused by……Ricktessia
27-Trachea is …..has 16-20 incomplete rings
28-What loops around arch of aorta…..Left Reccurrent Laryngeal Nerve
29-1st artery given by abdominal aorta……Celiec trunk
30-Hyper eosinophilia occurs in…..Hodgkin
31-Turner karyotype….44XO
32-41% of hematocrit Means…. 41 of red wbc and platelets
33-Kidney activates which of following…….Cholecalciferol to 1,25 Dihydro
34-Pulse Pressure Max. Amplitude in….Aorta
35-A patient inspired maximally with efforts and expires as usual…IRV((extra amount that can be inspired with full force)) FRC ((it is the amount of air that remains in lungs at the end of normal expiration)) >>>Depend on questions
36-Corticopsinal track ends at which level? a.upper cervical b.mid thoracic c.lumber d.spinal cord e Lower thoracic>>>(((IF DEPENS UPON question if asked about Ant Corticospinal that terminate in Cervical and Upper thoracic Level,If asked Lateral Corticospinal tract they terminate in all spinal cord segments))) lace decorated wearing for the bridesmaid
37-Person working in farm develop lesion in foot…….Cutaneous Larva Migrans
38-Soldier in Balochistan came with complaint of Fever Malaise hepatomegaly spleenomegaly, used to sleep on floor, history of bites of fly……Kalazar
39-Warthin starry stain used for….Spirochete
40-Nerve loops around Arch of aorta…..Reccurrent laryngeal Nerve
41. Phrenic nerve runs on left side with…… Pericardicophrenic artery
42-After abdominl n gynaecological surgery cause which kind of Infection….Bacteroids
43. Which factor def causes thrombosis instead of bleeding….Factor 5
44. Hypovolaemia with hypotension isoflurane shud not be given,why…Potent vasodilator
45. Otic ganglion location foramen was asked….Inferior border of foramen ovale
46. Increase in interstial fluid cause…….Inc. capillary permeability
47. Rite sided weakness with babinkis positive all UMN lesions no sensory loss where is the the lesion……Left broadman area 4 resection
48. Epitheluim of preterminal bronchiole/Conducting zone……Pseudostratified Columnar Ciliated…with goblets in large bronchioles)) Clara Cells in>> Terminal Bronchioles
49. Mesothelioma exposure to what…..Asbestos
50. Trachea coverd by…..pretracheal fascia
51. Radiation causes cancer aftr how much yrs……5-10 years
52. Premalignant lesions are…….Dysplasia
53. Weeknes in abduction of fingers nerve involve is…..Ulnar Nerve
54. Sciatic nerve severed, dorsam of foot supplied by which nerve…..Saphenous nerve
55. Lidocaine overdose…..Seizures
56. Loss of Knee Flexion and Hip Extension muscle involved…… Semitendinous
57.Muscle which causes flexion of elbow and supplied by radial nerve……Brachioradialis
58. Breast lower medial quadrant will not drain into…..Pectoral nodes
59. volume of distribution….depend upon lipid solubility of drugs
60. Probablity of …..difference between the two medians
61. lack of comunication and understanding between doctor and patient is due to?
62-A know patient of lumbago((Lower back pain)), presented with acute chest pain, o/e tenderness found in the left posterior 3rd and 4th intercostal space, Bp normal, pulse normal likely diaganosis a.Costochondritisb.dissecting aortic anurysm((Cant be answer B.P Normal))
64-Dura matter extension is present b/w
65-hormones during sleep….GH ((Awake Cortisol))
66-which vascular leison is present in rheumatic fever…Aschoof Cells or Antischkow ((Rehmatic Fever due to Strep Pyogenes((HLA DR7))
67-Most comman skin cancer in HIV….sq. Cell carcinoma (((Most Common Kaposi Sarcoma))
68-Collagen that gives strenght during wound healing….Type 3
69-Major blood buffer…..Hco3
70-Which type of joint is it, TMJ…..Synovial
71-Which type of articular cartilage TMJ has….Articular Disc is Fibrocartilage
72-Which ligament is formed by parotid fascia…..Stylomandibular Ligament
73-Chest pain and fever not related to respiration…..Myocardium
74-In later stage of pregnancy oestrogen and progesterone produce by….placenta
75-Which one of the following cause coronary vasodilation….Adenosine
76-.True about skeletal develop from….mesoderm and neural crest ((Skeletal muscles Mesoderm Only….Skeletal System>>mesoderm+Neural Crest.
77-In cardiogenic shock u vl give first….Dopamine ((Adrenaline in Anaphylactic Shock))
78-.A pallor child xray skull showing hair end appearance next investigation…Hb electrophoresis
79-.True about denticulate ligament….Separate dorsal & ventral roots of spinal nerves
78- A patient has hypercouagable state having def of……Factor V (Factor V Leiden)
79-Difference BTW skeletal and smooth muscle..Ca Calmodulin
80.Infectious Mononucleosious….EBV
81-which valve is involved in Limb sack endocarditis……Mitral & Aortic
84-Abdominal angina cause by obstruction to……Sup Mesenteric
85-Middle colic is the branch of……Superior mesenteric artery
86-Geniculate Ganglion is located in…..Facial Canal
87- Taste sensation is carried to the cortex through…….Thalamus
88-Folic acid deficiency leads to…..Megaloblastic anemia
89-Anterior fonatnelle closes at…..12-18months
90-Sphincter urethra is supplied by….Pudendal nerve
91-Two point discrimination…..Mesiners Corpuscles((( at LIPS…tip of tongue best if there))((Max distance of 2 point discrimination Back or Scapula))
92-ANP therapeutically useful in…. Hypertension ((its secreated by atrial muscle may help in cardiac failure))
95- Oxygen hb curve towards left…….Increase in pH
96-Cephalic vein begins at….Anatomical snuff box
97- Atlantoaxial joint is type of……Pivot joint
98-Atypical lymphosytosis….. EBV ((infectious Mononucleosis))
99-Edema of legs after bite……Histamine from mast cells
100-Stomach tube…..4th week
101-Oesophageal Atresia……Drooping of saliva
102-AL(OH)2 delays……..Gastric emptying
103- Acute liver damage……ALT
104-actin myosin clatherin…….Pinocytosis
105-sternum ossification…….21 years
106-Mandible…..Symphsis menti join at midline by joint
108-Broca’s area… Area 44 Non Fluent Aphasia
109-CSF…….Subdural space
110-Anterior spinothalamic tract ends at…….Medulla where nucleus of tract present.
111-Benzidiazepein…..GABA ((Mech of action GABA channel inc frequency))
112-Renin activation by…..(((Sympathetic Activity)) or Angiotensin
113-Anatomical dead space….
114-Dopamin Acetycholin intolerance in Parkinsonism (Ach,GABA increased)….Dopamine Decreased.
115-Adhesion(about lympocytes attachment to endothelium…. Integrins
117-immuniospressant caused…..Teeth disease
118-Brain……liquification Necrosis
119-Metaplasia……Changes character of epithelium
120-Carcinoma spread by…..Lymphatics …Mainly by Blood Vessels
121-Femoral pulse….At Mid-inguinal point midway b/w Ant Sup illiac spine and pubic tubercle.
122-Heparin VS LMW Heparin – Common function acts on Antithrombin III
123-Adrenalectomy…..Increased taste for Na
125- 2 Human Virus cause Cancer…..EBV AND HPV
126-Metabolic Aidosis with Normal Anion gap…….1.RTA …..2.Diarrhea
127-Negative feedback in…..Hemorrhage
129-Cholesterol increases…..by eating saturated fat
130-Decreased cholesterol…..Dec Adrenal Hormones(((In Asim Shoaib Steroid Hormone Answer))
140-Level of thyroid isthmus…..2,3,4 Tracheal ring
141-Long refractory period……Heart
143- Increased urea…..In Loop of Henle
144- Endocarditis…..IN iv Drug Abusers (stap Aureus)
145-Alcohol……Fatty change
147-Parasympathetic supply of bronchioles Causes……Bronchoconstriction ((Sympathetic…Dilatation))
148-Defeciency of glucose 6 Phosphatase causes…..Hypoglycemia
149-Increase GFR causes……Inc absorpbtion of salt and water from PCT
150-The most impotant mechanism for this TubuloGlomerular Feedback is……Dec Peritubular Soduim Concentration
151-Increase in Viscosity of Blood…… Inc Mean Arterial Pressure
152-Infection in Cavournes Sinus….. Inferior OPTHALMIC VEIN
153- Cause of damage to lateral Rectus….6TH Cranial Nerve
154-During hysterctomy ureters can be damaged while ligating which artery ….Uterine Artery
155-Which one is the DNA virus ……Infectious mononucleosis
156-Injury to Surgical Neck of Humurus damage to which Nerve….Axillary Nerve (((Axillary Nerve Damage will cause >> Dec Abduction 20-90 Degee))
157- Axillary nerve damage will cause wat Dec Abduction… Dec abduction 20 -90 degree
158-Intermenstural bleeding and post coital bleeding no other abnormality on per speculum examination.. cervix hyperplasia present.. what initial test u willl do …Pap smear
159-14 yrs old chronic diarrhea. bleeding time, CT=50min, diarrhea since 6m,no family history….Vit k def
160-Posterior ventricular branches of RCA, branches no. and Area of supply…2 in No…Diaphargmatic surface
161-Crown Rump Length at 15-20 wk……15-19cm
162- Right lung, superior,medial and inferior lobes, no. of segments in each….Superior-3,,Middle-2,,Inferior – 5
163- Purkunji cells typically present in a……Cerebral Cortex ((if Mentioned Cerebellar Nuclei then Mark CEREBELLUM)
164- Storage of glycogen is called……
165-Case with 8% bleed in 30min response…..Bleed from Vein
166-Severe sudden Hypovolemic Shock effect…..Oliguria
167- Mechanism of response in bleeding of finger cut for a few sec…..Vasoconstriction
168-In shock, which will pressure body as a “whole”? adreno-sympathetic or CNS inchemic response?
169-Scenario: dec BP and activation of Renin angiotensin system, which response will help… ADH
171-Least Creatinine Clearance……Glucose
172- Most abundant antibody…..IgG
173-Case od blunt abdominal trauma, whch of the following will NOT go from G node to G1…Smooth muscle
174-B/w pubic bones type of joint……Pubic Symphsis
175-What is true regarding T cells……Processing done in thymus after birth
176-in long bones, after birth, secondary centre of ossification….Epiphysis ((Primary Center of Ossification….Diphysis))
177-After hepatectomy…..Mitogenic factors for generation
178-Related to sex linked disorders…. Usually cause in Males
179- Which is pre-malignant lesion…..Dysplasia
180- Most important factors for metastasis….. Migration of tumor cells
181-case of study done in pts with t4N1M1 stage with survival of <50% of 5 years. what will be true……Cachexia
182- Epicardium is supplied by…..Coronary Arteries ((Pericardio Phernic Artery))
183- A statistical test observed differences b/w 2 means been by chance…..Variance
185- Which amino acid deficiency in cell injury….Glycine
186-Damage to male urethra below urogenital daiphgam, urine will go into….Superficial perineal space ((((Ruputure of Membrane…..Deep Pouch))((Rupture of Bulb…..Superficial Pouch))((Rupture of Penile…Scrotum))
187-Sartoli cells, most appropriate is……Mantain blood testis barriers
188-Rapidly adapting receptors….Pacinian and (Meisner) ((Slow Adapting Merckle and Ruffni))
189- blood supply of prostate……Inferior Vesicle Artery ((a branch of internal iiliac Artery and Middle Rectal Artery))
190- Dr prescribing ANTICOAGULANT for a lifetime, before that investigation is important…PT
191. Lung ca,small cell (oat cell) biopsy will show tumor marker…. ACTH
192.Lady has loss of little finger due to weakness of interrossei muscles, nerve involed…Ulnar nerve
193- Primary Esophageal Reflex different from Secondary Reflex Due to…Does Not Cause LES Relaxtion
194- Pubic bones move during labor slightly due to joint……Symphysis
195-. Pubic symphysis is a a type….Cartilagnous Joint
196-Reed Sternberg cell mostly diagnosis…Hodgkin disease
197-. HiV associated …..Kaposi sarcoma
198-. Related to ca. of bladder…..Schistosoma heamatobium
199-Chronic backache,Longest nerve frm which plexus ……Sacral Plexus((( Sciatic Nerve))
200-Anaomic Aphasia((Fluent)) due to lesion of ….Angular Gyrus Area 39 is in option select it first>>>then Brocas Area
201- ESOPHAGUS ….Starts upper border of C6
202-. SCLENUES ARTERY third part sweling will appear in which area….Supraclavicular
203-.Posterior intervetricularr artery … Two in no and supplies diagphramatic surface of ventricle
204- Accident, fracture of femur,tibia,fibula, pulse 110/min, bp 110/80 (near normal) BEST management …Fluids Replacement
205-C5-C6 damage…..Erbs Palsy ((Arm Adducted and Internally Rotated at the shoulder and Arm is extended and pronated at elbow))
207-Ptosis,Miosis and Andhydrosis….Horner syndrome
208-Remant of geburnaculum….Ovarian Ligament and Round Ligament of Uterus
209-Relation of CBD with Doudenum……. Posterior to it…..((First Supra Retro/Paraduodenal….then behind Head of Pancreas i.e Infraduodenal and Lastly Intraduodenal))
210-Left Renal Vein relation to Aorta….Anterior
212-Calculation of GFR….(Cleareance of Inulin – Urine Volume x Urine Conc/Plasma Conc)
214-Pregnant lady on lateral side to avoid…..IVC Obstruction
215-Cold sensation By…..A Delta ((Warm by C-Fibers)
216-Tail of pancreas goes into…. Spleen ((Spleenorenal Ligament))
217-With Cold ,Cold receptors are stimulated,when body will be cold which one will be Stimulated…Krause Bulb
218-What is about Pseudocoloumnar Epithelium…….All Cells are at Base
219-Insulin Secreation increased by….GIP
220- Coin Lesion on X-Ray of a women,How differ between Granuloma and Neoplasi…..Rapid Increase in Cells
222-Right Main Bronchus differ from Left One because…..Its is more Vertical
223-Most Common Acquired thromobotic Disorder….Anti Phospholipid Antibodies (APLA) (congenitially FACTOR 5 LEIDEN DEFICIENCY)
224-Individual have the independent and same chances of being selected….Random Sample
225-Preterm Labour Cause by…..Bacterial Vaginosis Most Common
226-Malar Rash,Protein 8,Albumin 3.5 Generalized Lymph Adenopathy palor ANA Postive Futher Test….Cl-Esterase
227-Blood Supply of Rectum…Superior Rectal Artery((Continution of Inferior Mesenteric Artery))
228-Ligament which held the Uterus in Anteverted and Palpated on Per Rectal Examination Only….UTEROSACRAL Ligament
229- Spinal Epidural Space Contain….Venous Plexus
230- Thirst is Stimulated by…..Angiotensin 2
231-Thirst is Regulated by….ADH
232-All of the followin causes Hornr Syndrome Except…Klumpkes Paralysis….Cervical Lymphadenopathy…Syrangiomyelia in pons….((All 3 causes Horner Syndrome…Correct Option Missing))
233-Which Upper Eyelid Structure is considered tobe Analogoud to the capsulo palpebral fascia of the Lower Eyelid….Levator Aponeurosis
234-Patient having 2L of Blood Loss…..Dec in Stroke Volume
235- About Stomach….Parasympathetic Activity Increases Enzyme Activity
236-Patient with SIADH show….HypoOsmolar OverHydration
ADH Syndrome(SIADH)….Hypertonic Over Hydration (( Treatment of SIADH Hypertonic Saline))
237-Slow Growing Tumor of thyroid…..Papillary Carcinoma
238-Which Condition Shows Normal MCV MCHC MCH…Blood Loss Before 2Days
239-Excretion of DRUGS in OLD patients dec due to…..Renal Failure
240-Cardiac Cycle if Heart Rate Double….0.4 SEC ((Normal 0.8 IF HR Double it will be Half))
241-40 year old lady hypothyroidism having mass endocrinologist advise FNAC,it show Increase LYMPHOCYTES ……Thyroid Lymphoma ((if Hashimotos in option Select it )
242-Increase Bone Growth,Irregular Thickining due to……Increase Parathyroid Hormone
243-Vaginal Secretions IgA….70%
244-Ketamine-Emersence Delirum,CVS depression does no Causes…..Amensia
245-Regarding Swallowing……Center Located in Medulla and Lower Pons
246-Hormone Involved in Lymphocyte Production…Thyroid Cells ((Also GH)
245-New Hypertensive Drug going to be tested by which Technique….Sequential Trial
246-Direct Inguinal Hernia Protude via….Haselbach/Inguinal Triangle
247-Hernia After Surgery Layer Involved…..Fascia Transeversalis
248-Inferior Mesenteric Artery Obstruction…Ischemia in Descending and Sigmoid Colon
249-Which of the following Increases Heart Rate…..EXCERCISE

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