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They have Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced

orange styled items to wear for the maid of the brides

REWARD for the safe return of Sawyer Brown! No questions asked.
Sawyer's been hanging out in the HIGHLANDS near Archie Anderson Park. The most recent reports have him in the alley behind 20th Avenue (4/27). Unfortunately, he's a brown lab mix, so he looks like like a lot of dogs, but we are keeping our fingers crossed this is him. Sawyer is a 9 year old chocolate lab mix. He is microchipped and was wearing a red collar with tags, but may now be missing his collar. Sawyer is orange styled items to wear for the maid of the brides ... ALL brown (NOT brindle) and is missing a piece of his left ear. He is neutered and has a raised toenail on a back paw. He is the most easy-going, sweetest dog ever. He is the best kid dog I've been lucky enough to know.
Please contact me if you have any information on where to find Sawyer. This dog has been a member of our family for 8 years, and we miss him terribly. All my 6 year old wants for his upcoming birthday is his dog back. Pm me or call/text 360-261-1642.
Please share!

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