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Those of you without a gallbladder (or if you know someone without a gallbladder), KEEP READING: Did your doctor explain to you the very critical role that the gallbladder plays in the digestive process? Did your doctor also explain to you that you will need to take supplemental digestive enzymes for the rest of your life in order to properly digest and assimilate your food? If your answer is NO to those questions, then you are like so many people I've talked to. The numbers ... are adding up, which is why I'm sharing this information today. Here's the short and simplified scoop on this very important organ in the body: Your gallbladder stores bile produced by your liver, and releases it into the digestive tract as needed. The bile emulsifies fats into smaller particles so that the essential fatty acids can be utilized by the body. If you do not have a gallbladder or if it is not functioning properly, fats will not be digested properly and a whole host of GI problems will occur. Not to mention, the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K (so critical to optimal health) will not be absorbed into the body if fats are not being assimilated properly. A good Digestive Enzyme supplement with Bile Salts will be required to help digest foods properly in those without a gallbladder. An HCL supplement will also help aid in breaking down foods before they leave the stomach for the small intestine. This article from Dr. Mercola is from 2011, but the information within is accurate and will help you better understand the north to south digestive process and why we need this process to function correctly. If you have questions, feel free to shoot me an email or ask below. organza styled items to wear of the wedding # uplevelyourhealth # digestwelllivewell

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Understanding Your Digestive System to Improve Your Health Learn more about your digestive system, the dangers of anti-ulcer drugs, and why good digestion is crucial for your vitamin B12 levels.articles.mercola.com

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