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wedding of the maternity lady

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:14-16

# truththursday Good morning beautiful spirits! Today’s topic is “CONFESSIONS.” Most when they heard the word confession shy away immediately because it is an action of the heart. To confess our behavior or actions can be shameful and in order to confess truth we have to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. When we do things that are disappointing to the Father we are usually more disappointed with ourselves than He is with us. He is full of grace and there is nothing we can do that will make Him turn His back on us. The problem is we allow the enemy to get in our heads when we feel we have failed at something or have made mistakes, and we keep those things to ourselves rather than releasing them. Once they begin to fester they become our secrets and secrets will cause us illness. We must confess what we view as mistakes so that we can embrace the lesson. There is nothing shameful about being imperfect, the imperfection leads us to learn, and when we learn we grow. We can confess to Him always at any time on any day but it is an extra blessing to have relationship with someone you can trust that is like minded with you and will stand in prayer with you and for you when you confess. When you have been blessed with such a friend, that relationship is to be cherished. Many find it hard to trust but He will connect us to those who are meant to be around for longer than a season where you can form trust and see discretion is still alive and well. These relationships allow us to confess to one another and when we allow ourselves that we can admit when we are spiritual sick. In our vulnerability and transparency we can be healed. I encourage someone today to know that confession is healthy for your soul! Confess so that you will allow yourself the freedom to walk in your truth rather than carry the constant burden of secrets. He is always listening and praise Him for those He has connected you to where you can be open. Thank Him for those who pray for you and rather than judge you. Be blessed! wedding of the maternity lady

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